
Staying Electrically Safe at Home during lockdown

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During this challenging time most of us are working from home and/or home schooling children here are some tips below to make sure that you and your family are electrically safe.


Safe Home Working

  • Always charge your devices on a hard, flat surface.
  • Avoid overloading sockets
  • Don't leave your devices charging for longer than necessary.
  • If your cable doesn't reach, don't plug it into another adaptor - move your work station closer to the socket or use a longer cable.

 Safety for the Whole Family

  • Keep an eye on your children's electrical gadgets, particularly when charging.
  • It might feel like a good time to do some home improvements or tackle the garden. But don't take on jobs that should be left to the experts. Electricians can still come to your home in an emergency, but now is not the time to create one with a DIY disaster or a medical emergency.
  • If you're stuck at home, it's understandable that you might want to treat yourself to a new electrical gadget. But make sure you follow always buy from a retailer you know and trust.
  • Register your appliances

For more safety tips please check out the Electrical Safety First website - link 

Remember, stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

 If you are unsure about an installation, need advice or assistance please contact PC Electricals. We also have more electrical safety tips on our website Facebook or Twitter pages.